The Hindu festival of Diwali, also called Deepavali or the Festival of Lights, marks the end of one year and the beginning of another in the calendar year of India. It takes place over five days and it’s celebrated by Hindus and other South Asians all over the world. The literal translation of Diwali comes from Sanskrit and literally means row or series of lamps which refers to the fact that lamps are lit to welcome Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity, into people’s homes during this time. Cardinal Cleaning wishes you and yours a Happy Diwali as we strive to celebrate the diversity in our beautiful state of Georgia!

What is Diwali?

Diwali is probably one of the most significant Hindu festivals. It celebrates the victory of good over evil. It is also a time to give thanks for the blessings of the past year. Diwali is celebrated by decorating homes and businesses with lights and colors, and by exchanging gifts with family and friends. Of course, there is good food and sweets and lovely traditional dance and music performances as well. The festival also signifies the start of the Hindu New Year, and many take this opportunity to clean their homes and businesses as a way to start the new year fresh.

How to Celebrate

One of the most popular ways to celebrate Diwali is by lighting oil lamps or candles all around the house. People also clean and decorate their homes so that Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, can visit. Hindus and other South Asians offer prayers and give thanks for all they have been blessed with, as Diwali also marks the start of a new year in terms of the Hindu calendar.

The festivities do not stop there. Dances, music, and live performances are enjoyed. Fireworks light up the sky and handheld sparklers set the mood. Furthermore, sweets and gifts are exchanged while delicious food is eaten. There are large gatherings to celebrate the auspicious occasion and enjoy the festivities with family, friends, and neighbors!

Diwali Decorations

The significance of cleanliness and newness in Diwali celebrations is twofold. First, Hindus believe that Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, only visits clean homes. So, in order to welcome her into their homes, Hindus clean and decorate their homes beforehand. Secondly, Hindus believe that cleanliness and newness represent a fresh start or a new beginning. They decorate with string lights, tea lights, candles, and lamps. There are beautiful flowers and garlands as well. It is so colorful, especially when the rangoli or mandala patterns are painted or made with colored powder. By cleaning and decorating their homes for Diwali, Hindus are hopeful that the goddess will bless them with a prosperous new year.

They celebrate by cleaning and decorating and also wearing new, beautiful clothes. This cleanliness and newness is the perfect way to celebrate and ring in the Hindu new year.

Simple Ways to Declutter and Clean

Whether or not you celebrate Diwali, it is a great time to declutter and clean! Here are a few quick tips to help you get started:

Start with the kitchen and refrigerator:
– Wipe down shelves, counters, and tabletops. Keep appliances clean to maintain them and get to use them for longer.
– Throw away any food that has passed its expiration date. If you’re unsure about how long food has been sitting in your fridge, throw it out just to be safe.

In the living room:
– Vacuum the rugs and carpet. Mop and sweep the flooring.
– Clean the couch and use a handheld vacuum to get in the crevices and beneath the pillows.

In the bathroom:
– Organize cabinets, toiletries, and more.
– Wash out any bathroom rugs.

If you need help and want to take some of these chores off of your plate, you know who to call! Cardinal Cleaning has got your back and will get all these areas and more through our deep cleaning services.

Contact Us!

Get your home ready for the auspicious occasion of Diwali and the holidays! Cardinal Cleaning will take care of what we do best – the cleaning! You can reach us at 404-920-8551 or email us at for a free quote.

Cardinal Cleaning values consistent, quality service, and trustworthy business practices. Our cleaners will use proper procedures and techniques to ensure you and your loved ones can enjoy cleanliness in your home. If you are in need of a cleaning service that provides consistent quality and service, we are your go-to local cleaning service serving Conyers, Georgia, as well as nearby areas including Covington, Loganville, Oxford, and Mcdonough. We would love to do the cleaning for you and yours this holiday season! Like we say, cleaning is for the birds!